Writing Class

Writing Class

الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2015

Mechanics: Example

Hello Guys
Please correct, rewrite, and post the following paragraph in your blogs

My nam is mohammad. i have two brothers. i am working at my office My brother is working with me My brother is a nice man.i like to drink a lot of water?

Mechanics in Praragraphs

What do we mean by spelling?
The manner in which words are spelled.
A group of letters representing a word.
What do we mean by capitilaization?
The act or process of capitalizing.

Rules of Capitalization

1. Names of people
2. Names of mountains, mountain ranges, hills and volcanoes
3. Names of bodies of water (rivers, lakes, oceans, seas, streams and creeks)
4. Names of buildings, monuments, bridges and tunnels
5. Street names
6. Schools, colleges and universities
7. Political divisions (continents, regions, countries, states, counties, cities and towns)
8. Titles of books, movies, magazines, newspapers, articles, songs, plays and works of art
9. The first letter in a sentence
10. The pronoun I


Punctuation rules

Punctuation marks are symbols which
  1. organize the structure of written language,
  2. and indicate intonation and pauses to be observed when reading aloud.
Punctuation marks are also used to avoid ambiguity. For example, "woman, without her man, is nothing" has a different meaning from "woman: without her, man is nothing"
This is a summary of punctuation rules.
Read the punctuation rules and study the examples given.

End punctuation marks:

1. Full stop , or period (.)
  • Used a full stop at the end of a sentence:
    She stood up and went away. She was furious.
  • Used for abbreviations:
    Co. (Company)
    M.P. (Member of Parliament) 
2. Question marks (?)
  • Question marks are used at the end of direct questions:
    Where do you live?
    Are you crazy?
    Did you do the homework?
  • Use a question mark at the end of tag questions:
    You will help me, won't you?
    He likes soccer, doesn't he? 
3. Exclamation marks (!)
  • Used to indicate strong emotions:
    She's so beautiful!
    What a nice girl!
    How interesting!
  • Used after interjections:
    Oh! It's awful.
    Hi! What's up?

Commas (,)

  • Commas are used between items in a series or list. The last two items of the series usually do not need a comma between them. They are separated by "and".
    I like spaghetti, fish, pizza and couscous.
  • Commas are also used between adjectives or adverbs:
    I'd like to have a big, black, German car.
    She speaks slowly, quietly and eloquently.
  • After the street address and city in an address:
    34 Hassan II Street, Rabat, Morocco.
  • Before or after direct speech:
    He said,"I hate being treated like that."
    "I'm sorry", she replied.
  • Before a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)
    He woke up late, so he had to drive to work.

Semicolons (;)

  • Semicolons are used instead of a full stop or period to separate independent sentences:
    They woke up early; then they went jogging.
  • Use a semicolon to separate items in a series when those items contain punctuation such as a comma:
    They visited the Eiffel Tower, Paris; Big Ben, London; and the statue of liberty, New York

Colons (:)

  • Use a colon to introduce a list:
    He visited three cities last summer holiday: Madrid, Roma and Athens.
  • To introduce an idea or an explanation:
    He had one idea in mind: to see her as soon as possible.
  • To introduce direct speech or a quotation:
    The secretary whispered in his ear: "Your wife is on the phone. "

Dashes (--)

  • To introduce parenthetical information:
    I put on a blue jacket --the one my mother bought me-- and blue jeans.
  • To show an afterthought:
    I explained to him my point of view-- at least I tried!

Apostrophes (')

  • Use an apostrophe to indicate a missing letter or letters in a contraction.
    I'm fed up with his stories
  • Use an apostrophe plus the letter "s" to show possession.
    My brother's girlfriend is such a sweet girl.

Quotation marks ("")

  • Quotation marks are used to quote speech, sentences or words.
    She said, "I love you.

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015

Language Use: Example

Language Use : Example
Hello Guys
Please correct, rewrite, and post the following paragraph in your blogs

My name is Ahmad. I have two brother. I am working at my office. My brother is working with him. My brother is an nice man. I like to drink a lot of waters.

Language Use

Language Use

What do we mean by accuracy in paragraph?
It means the ability to use of articles, word order, sentence construction, countable and uncountable nouns, and prepositions.

Use of Articles

Articles are used to differentiate between things or ideas – usually expressed by nouns. The speaker/writer may be referring to a specific thing or idea, or a general one.
We use the to refer to specific nouns, either singular or plural.
Please hand me the book that’s on the table.
Please hand me all the books that are on the tables.
A and an are used to refer non-specific nouns.
Please hand me a book; any book will do.
Please hand me an autobiography; any autobiography will do.
Articles should be placed just in front of the noun they’re modifying. However, if the noun is also being modified by one or more adjectives, the article should go in front of the adjective(s).
Please fetch me a sweater.
Please fetch me the brown sweater.
Please fetch me the fuzzy blue sweater.
An should be used before any noun – or any adjective modifying the noun – which begins with a vowel or a voiceless H.
He is a man.
He is an ugly man.
He is an honest man.

Articles can also be used when emphasizing a point.
He had a hard time with the exam.
He had the hardest time with the exam.
Obviously, using the definite article the makes the point very clear

Countable Vs. uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns

Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. Most nouns in English are countable.
·       I have two dogs.
·       Sandra has three cars.
·       Jessie has ten dollars.

Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are not counted in English. This usually has to do with the way English speakers think of these nouns. We often picture these nouns as a single concept or one big thing which is hard to divide. Many of these words are countable in other languages, but they ARE NOT countable in English. Generally, we do not use plural forms of these words; however some of these words do end in "s", so don't get confused.
·       Mack drinks a lot of water.
·       Cindy gives great advice.
·       Paul enjoys politics. Ends with "s" but uncountable
Uncountable nouns tend to belong to one of the following categories:

Liquids and Gases

§  water
§  coffee
§  milk
§  air
§  oxygen

Solid and Granular Substances

§  wood
§  metal
§  cheese
§  sand
§  rice

Energy Words and Forces

§  electricity
§  sunshine
§  radiation
§  heat
§  magnetism


§  French
§  chemistry
§  economics
§  science
§  math

Grouped Concepts

§  fruit
§  money
§  food
§  vocabulary
§  news

Information and Abstract Concepts

§  information
§  advice
§  education
§  democracy
§  intelligence

How can we use these little words correctly?
Prepositions are used in many different ways in English - perhaps that's why a lot of people have problems with them.
First, they are used with time words:
  • on Monday
  • in the 20th century
  • at night
Second, they are used to show where something or someone is:
  • The plate is on the table.
  • Julie is in the garden.
  • The picture is on the wall.
Third, they are used after some adjectives:
  • She is good at tennis.
  • Scotland is famous for whisky
  • I'm worried about my new job.
Fourth, they are used after some verbs:
  • I'm listening to music.
  • She is waiting for her friend.
  • He borrows money from his sister.
Fifth, they are used after some nouns:
  • She has trouble with remembering new vocabulary.
Finally, they are used in certain phrases:
  • The bus arrived in the end.
  • She arrived just in time for the film.

الثلاثاء، 3 نوفمبر 2015

Vocabulary : Example

Vocabulary Example
Hi Guys                                                                                                                  
please correct , rewrite  and post the following paragraph in your blog                            
       Friends play a great role in our lives. They effect our lives negatifly or positifly. We should choosee them very carefully. Firest, we can look at his behaviuor. After that, we can look at his activities. It is very imbortant to do something together. We must beware of people who has bad habits such as …………., ………………., etc. 


Why Vocabulary is Important?
We use spoken and written words every single day to communicate ideas, thoughts, and emotions to those around us. Sometimes we communicate successfully, and sometimes we’re not quite so successful. “That’s not what I meant!” becomes our mantra (an often repeated word or phrase). However, a good vocabulary can help us say what we mean.
What is Richness in Vocabulary ?
Richness in vocabulary means the ability to use the same meaning with different word.
What is Word form mastery?

It means the ability to understand the right form of the word when you want to put it in a sentence.

Exercise : writing a paragraph about WhasApp


Hi Guys

 Write one paragraph about WhatsApp paying attention to coherence, clarity, and logical sequencing and post it  in your blogs.

Good Luck. 

الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2015

Organization in paragraph: Example

 Please correct and rewrite the following paragraph:

The wise man would always keep his body fit because a healthy mind can work only in a healthy body. The human body is a wonderful piece of work that nature has created.  It is not beautiful like the body of a butterfly or peacock but it is shaped practically.  It can do many types of work which other animals cannot.  It is not strong like the body of a tiger.  But in place of physical strength it has a big and sharp brain. It can do many types of work which other animals cannot. 

When you finish, please post it in your blog.

Organization in a Paragraph

What is a paragraph?
A paragraph is the basic unit of composition. It consists of a group of related sentences that develop one main idea. It has three main parts; an introduction, a body of the paragraph and a conclusion. In other words, it has a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

What is coherence in a paragraph?
Coherence means establishing a relationship between the ideas presented in a paragraph. It brings about a rationale in the arrangement of the ideas which are introduced either in the chronological order or in the order of importance. Besides, transitions that compare, contrast, illustrate, add or show cause and effect build logical bridges. The ideas, thus expressed in the paragraph, flow smoothly from one to the other in a logical sequence. This helps the reader to understand the paragraph.

Coherence in a paragraph is the technique of making words, phrases, and sentences move smoothly and logically from one to the other. It is obvious that if a paragraph is not unified, does not have a logical order, and does not have a consistent point of view, the reader is unlikely to grasp the point of the paragraph. In addition, there are other devices and techniques that will help you achieve coherence.

in the next article, i will provide you with an example of a paragraph that lack organization. 

Introducing your self

Hi Guys 

Every one should write a paragraph about his self and post it in his blog

Good Luck

الخميس، 19 مارس 2015

Advantages of using Blogs in Education

:Th following are some of the advantages of using Blogs in Education

Blogs makes education focused in demand

 It helps students to learn anytime and anywhere

 It helps learners to learn continuously

It contribute to the development of critical thinking skills